Inclusive CLIL: Pre-vocational pupils’ target language oral proficiency, fluency, and Willingness to Communicate

Jenny Denman, Erik van SchootenRick de Graaff

Bilingual education using a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach seems in many contexts to select or attract the more able and more academically-inclined pupils, or only be available to pupils in higher academic secondary streams. Positive effects of CLIL for target language proficiency development may therefore be due in part to this cognitive or academic selection effect. Can the target language skills of pupils with lower scholastic attainment – a group which, in several educational contexts, has less access to CLIL programs – also benefit from the CLIL approach?

This two-year longitudinal quasi-experimental research, part of a larger study, focused on the development of oral proficiency skills of three cohorts of 603 pre-vocational pupils in 25 classes in the Netherlands in both CLIL and non-CLIL programs. Despite the lack of explicit school-based selection procedures for pre-vocational pupils’ participation in CLIL, there were significant differences in favor of the CLIL groups in the initial levels of English oral proficiency, fluency, and Willingness to Communicate. Furthermore, the CLIL pupils showed significantly more growth than the non-CLIL control group in English oral proficiency, but not for fluency or Willingness to Communicate. This positive result for the CLIL group did not appear to be moderated by pupil background variables. Despite the small effect sizes found, these results indicate that the CLIL approach can have a positive effect on the foreign language proficiency of pupils in less academic educational streams.

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The Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach to bilingual education, in which some school subjects are taught through a second or foreign language and attention is paid to both subject content and the target language, was envisioned as “a pragmatic European solution to a European need” (Marsh, 2002, p. 11), with the goals of increasing foreign language competence so as to enable more mobility and cultural understanding across the European Union (Marsh, 2013). Supported by several Council of Europe initiatives, the CLIL approach spread rapidly throughout Europe, particularly in secondary education (Nikula, 2017). Several decades later, various forms of CLIL provision are now part of educational systems in nearly all European countries, with a wide range of target languages but most commonly with English as the target language (Baïdak, Balcon, & Motiejunaite, 2017; Dalton-Puffer, 2011). European CLIL programs share certain core characteristics: the target language is a foreign language rather than a second language; CLIL teachers are themselves generally non-native speakers of the target language; CLIL lessons are school subject lessons, with additional foreign (target) language lessons; and CLIL lessons generally comprise less than 50% of the school curriculum (Dalton-Puffer, 2011). However, particularly in some European contexts, there is concern about a perception that CLIL only “‘works’ in ‘elite’ contexts, i.e. in private, urban schools with socio-economically and socio-culturally privileged children” (Pérez Cañado, 2020, p. 7) and about whether “rather than increasing the equality of opportunity, CLIL in certain contexts is subtly selecting students out” (Bruton, 2013, p. 593). In this light, increasingly more attention is being paid to inclusion and diversity in CLIL, such as in the six-country ADiBE research project (ADiBE Project, n.d.) which aims to make CLIL accessible to all learners, regardless of background or ability.

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