Technical specifications
Browser: A recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge is advised.
Fonts: To represent characters from a vast range of languages correctly, the resource is Unicode-compliant. We will supply a font with the site to render all characters correctly. If you experience problems relating to fonts nevertheless, kindly let us know.
Navigation: Use the links in the application to move back and forth, rather than the buttons of your browser. By using the latter, information may not be carried over from one section to the next.
Basic search: Using the basic search option, any term(s) you enter will be searched through all fields, including the annotation.
All fields: Same as Basic search.
Fields: The search page gives a number of fields by default, in which you can search. Other fields can be chosen from a drop down list. You can add fields by clicking on +.
The date field refers to the year of publication and is exclusive; e.g. date after 2000 will find all titles published in 2001 and later.
Logical operators: Search terms in different fields can be combined by logical (Boolean) operators, AND, OR, and NOT.
If you enter two search terms in the same field, these are by default taken to be combined with the operator AND: e.g.,
title: term1 term2 = title: term1 AND title: term2
Phrase: To search for two terms as an exact phrase, add double quotation marks: "term1 term2" will find only those instances where the terms are found next to each other and in that order.
Wild cards: There are two possible wild cards, for use within a term or to the left or right.
The question mark ? stands for 0 or 1 character: organi?ation will find organisation and organization.
The asterisk * stands for 0 or more characters: lang*age will find langage and language.
Diacritics: A search for a name without diacritics will also find the name with diacritics; e.g. danes will find Daneš.
History: The search history will store the last 20 searches. Via the search history you can return to any of your search results by clicking “Show results” or you can refine your search via “Edit search”.
You can browse through lists of Authors (and Editors), Journals, Book Series, Keywords, Persons (as subject), and Languages (as subjects). The entries in these lists are hyperlinks and will give you all the relevant records.
The thesaurus lists terms (keywords) and their relations. The relations between terms are indicated in the following manner:
SN | Scope Note | definition of the term within the context of this bibliography |
RT | Related Term | "see also" |
BT | Broader Term | "parent" of the term |
NT | Narrower Term | "child" of the term |
USE | Used For | "see", reference to the synonym that is used as keyword |
UF | Use For | term(s) for which this term is used as the preferred synonym |
The thesaurus in this bibliography can be accessed in three ways:
- Through the menu option Thesaurus. This takes you to the first term in the thesaurus and allows you to browse from there.
- Through the menu option Browse > Keywords. Browse to the keyword that you want, look it up in the thesaurus by clicking on the icon
and take it as a starting point to browse the thesaurus.
- Through the keywords in a record. Click the icon
to see the context of the keyword within the thesaurus and browse.
Within the thesaurus, clicking on a term will show that term and its relationships to other terms. Clicking on 'search' next to a term will yield the search result of that term as a keyword, which can be refined and combined with other search terms through History – Edit Query.
Short description: The results are always presented using the short presentation, unless the result consists of only one record, in which case the full presentation will be used automatically. The results are ordered by year of publication, starting with the most recent, and then by surname of the author/editor.
Full description: Click on the short presentation to see the full description of a record, including keywords, annotation, related reviews, translations and reprints. To go back to the short presentation, click on “Back to result list”.
From the full description, there are links to related entries, such as articles from a volume, reviews, translations and reprints.
E-mail results: You can e-mail the result list or the full description of a record to any e-mail address.