Publication details [#10092]
Wilensky, Robert. 1983. Story grammars versus story points. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 : 579–591. ![DOI logo](
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
W. criticizes the story grammar to the analysis of stories, and proposes an alternative theory, viz. the story points theory, for which he adduces evidence as to its psychological plausibility, and which he situates within a computerized story-understanding system which is being developed.
Reviewed by
Carr, Thomas H. 1983. Event structure, interest, importance, and coherence: Where does point theory fit? ![DOI logo](
Keenan, Janice M. and Denver Discourse Group. 1983. The semantic-syntactic distinction in story grammars. ![DOI logo](
Pléh, Csaba, János László, Istvan Siklaki and Tamas Terestyéni. 1983. What's the point in points without a grammar? ![DOI logo](