
Publication details [#10139]

Wilson, Deirdre. 1975. Presuppositions and non-truth-conditional semantics. Academic Press. xiii + 161 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language


The general purpose of the book is to show that presuppositional analysis has no place in semantics. In particular, W. argues (i) that many aspects of meaning treated as presuppositional can be better coped with if they are viewed as entailments; (ii) that many facts treated as semantic should be handled within pragmatics, but that the treatment of presuppositions as conditions for appropriate use encounters serious difficulties; (iii) that neither truth-conditional analysis nor presuppositional analysis can cope with some facts. W.'s conclusion: presuppositional analysis is best seen as an approach to the theory of preferred interpretations; so-called presuppositional facts have little relation to a properly conceived semantic analysis.

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