Publication details [#10232]
Wonneberger, Reinhard. 1977. Relokution, negativer Sprechakt und wo der Römerbrief anfängt. In Sprengel, Konrad, Wolf-Dietrich Bald and Heinz Werner Viethen, eds. Semantik und Pragmatik: Akten des 11. linguistischen Kolloquiums, Aachen 1976, Band 2. M. Niemeyer. pp. 287–295.
A consideration of the beginning of Paul's letter to the Romans, leads W. to the introduction of the notion of 'relocution' as a fourth aspect of the speech act (i.e. the possibility for the hearer to (re)assess the rules and circumstances which broughtthe speech act about) and to a discussion of negative speech acts such as 'Ich schäme mich des Evangeliums nicht' (which have usually been called cases of litotes in stylistics).