
Publication details [#12281]

Andersen, Elaine S. and Béatrice C. Dupuy. 1997. Premières conversations entre des mères et leurs jeunes enfants aveugles: Input et acquisition. [First conversations between mothers and their young blind children: Input and acquisition.] In Bernicot, Josie, Josiane Caron-Pargue and Alain Trognon, eds. Conversation, interaction et fonctionnement cognitif. [Conversation, interaction and cognitive functioning.] (Collection 'Processus discursifs - langage et cognition'). Presses Universitaires de Nancy. pp. 63–90.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Language as a subject


The results of this study of blind children question Rondal's findings: the parental language input that blind versus seeing children receive differs substantially, leading to different semantic and pragmatic development patterns.