Publication details [#12542]
Extra, Guus and Ludo Verhoeven. 1999. Bilingualism and Migration. (Studies on Language Acquisition 14). De Gruyter Mouton. x + 391 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
This text brings together articles on processes of language change among immigrant minority groups in Europe. The contributions focus on early bilingual development, bilingual development at school age, codeswitching and borrowing, language maintenance and language loss.
Articles in this volume
Extra, Guus and Ludo Verhoeven. Immigrant minority groups and immigrant minority languages in Europe. 3–28
Extra, Guus and Ludo Verhoeven. Processes of language change in a migration context: the case of the Netherlands. 29–57
Houwer, Annick De. Environmental factors in early bilingual development: the role of parental beliefs and attitudes. 75–95
Berman, Ruth A. Bilingual proficiency / proficient bilingualism: insights from narrative texts. 187–208