Publication details [#12799]
Klein, Gabriella. 1995. La raccolta dei dati. [The data collection.] In Klein, Gabriella, Enrica Amaturo, Tommaso Baiano, Annamaria Fabiano and Renata Testa. La città nei discorso e nell'immaginario giovanile. Una ricerca socio-linguistica a Napoli. [The city in young people's dicourse and imagination. A socio-linguistic inquiry in Naples.] (Sociolinguistica e dialettologia 6). Congedo editore. pp. 17–22.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Language as a subject
K. explains how two youngster sample groups have been defined on the basis of the criterion of lack of work experience, which means they haven't been influenced decisively by the linguistic and communicative norms of a professional context, thus
accounting for a greater linguistic variability.
(In order to obtain a better comprehension of the interpretations of determined conversational and discursive strategies, one needs more information on the background knowledge of the group members.)