Publication details [#12801]
Amaturo, Enrica and Dora Gambardella. 1995. L'immagine della lingua. [The image of language.] In Klein, Gabriella, Enrica Amaturo, Tommaso Baiano, Annamaria Fabiano and Renata Testa. La città nei discorso e nell'immaginario giovanile. Una ricerca socio-linguistica a Napoli. [The city in young people's dicourse and imagination. A socio-linguistic inquiry in Naples.] (Sociolinguistica e dialettologia 6). Congedo editore. pp. 55–82.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
The analyzed data specifically relate to and reveal linguistic practices of the interviewee and his group and the use of dialect compared to (the use of) the Italian language. The analysis equally reveals the possiblity to identify other urban groups on the basis of their prevalent language use.