Publication details [#13437]
Pujol Berché, Mercè. 1994. Le langage comme activité. L'acquisition/apprentissage d'une langue seconde dans une contexte multilingue. [Language as an activity. Second language acquisition/learning in a multilingual context.] In Sierra Martínez, Fermín, Mercè Pujol Berché and Harm den Boer. Las lenguas en la Europa Comunitaria. La adquisición de segundas languas y/o de lenguas extranjeras. [Languages in the European Union. The acquisition of second and/or foreign languages.] (Diálogos Hispánicos 13). Rodopi. pp. 155–174.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Language as a subject
In the framework of a sociocognitive theory on foreign language acquisition, the author reflects upon the conditions of acquisition of Catalan and Castilian in Catalan schools by Catalan children and migrant children of extra-European origine.