
Publication details [#13822]

Németh T., Eniko. 1989. Az emneri kommunikáció kutatásának nehány alapkérdése. [Some basic questions of the investigation of human communication.] Néprajz és Nyelvtudomány 33 : 43–56.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


This paper deals with some basic questions of communication. After a brief overview of new disciplines of communication studies such as bio- and animal communication, two types of human communication are considered. The first one involves verbal and/or nonverbal code-using, the second one is achieved without any code-using. In the first type of human communication two different processes can be differentiated. The one is coding-decoding, and the other ostension-inference. The second type of human communication is only achieved by ostension and inference. When investigating verbal communication, further questions arise, e.g. how and what units can be segmented in verbal communication, or what is the relationship between communicational units and the units of natural language?