
Publication details [#1534]

Boër, Steven E. and William G. Lycan. 1976. The myth of semantic presupposition. Working Papers in Linguistics 21 : 1–90.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


B. and L. argue (i) that the thesis that there are semantic presuppositions is false, i.e. the thesis that certain sorts of sentences carry certain quasi-logical implications distinct from and yet closely related to ordinary entailments; (ii) that themethodological corollary of this thesis, i.e. the fact that grammars operating with a 'natural logic' must complicate their semantic theories by adding formal apparatus to account for semantic oddities arising when presuppositions fail, is without support; (iii) that the cases of semantic presupposition do not form a natural kind. The standpoint from which the criticism is brought forward is congenial to generative semantics and the performative analysis.