
Publication details [#15568]

Martin, Laura. 1998. Irrealis Constructions in Mocho (Mayan). Anthropological Linguistics 40 (2) : 198–213.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
Indiana University


Mocho, a Q'anjob'alan Mayan language, employs several strategies for the expression of realis-irrealis meanings. Three principal mechanisms are -oq, a suffix used on numerals, nominals, and certain verbal complements; patz, a preverbal particle; and kee, a sentential particle. The distribution, multiple functions, and special uses of these constructions are illustrated in a range of text sources, including conversation. Together, these devices demonstrate that the irrealis category in Mocho is not amenable to a single analysis and is best understood as involving a spectrum of meanings and speaker stances that are neither grammatically nor discursively unified. Irrealis is, however, a significant feature of Mocho discourse and may be a particularly productive locus of linguistic change.