Publication details [#15826]
Puchta, Claudia and Jonathan Potter. 1999. Asking elaborate questions: Focus groups and the management of spontaneity. Journal of Sociolinguistics 3 (3) : 314–335. ![DOI logo](
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Blackwell Publishers
Journal WWW
This paper analyzes question formats in a corpus of German market research focus groups. In particular, it identifies and studies the use of ‘elaborate questions’ (questions which include a range of reformulations and rewordings).
The analysis highlights three functions of such questions in focus groups:
(a) they are used to guide participants and head off trouble where the question type is ‘non-mundane’;
(b) they help secure participation by providing an array of alternative items to respond to;
(c) they guide participants to produce a range of opinion relevant responses.
More generally, they help manage a dilemma between the requirement that the talk should be both highly focused on predefined topics and issues, and at the same time spontaneous and conversational. The analysis provides a range of interactional evidence for the pragmatic role of these formats.