
Publication details [#19380]

Hoek, Karen van, A.E. Kibrik and Leo G.M. Noordman, eds. 1999. Discourse Studies in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected papers from the 5th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, July 1997. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 176). John Benjamins. vi + 187 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language
90 272 3682 8


This volume presents selected papers from the 5th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference within the area of discourse analysis. The topics addressed include pronominal anaphora in English and Russian narratives, the subtleties of the definite article in English and Spanish, the use of discourse particles in Dutch, and the function of prosody as a marker of text structure in spoken narratives. The papers illustrate the potential of the cognitive linguistic paradigm to the study of discourse.