
Publication details [#19382]

Herring, Susan C., P. Van Reenen and Lene Schøsler, eds. 2001. Textual Parameters in Older Languages. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 195). John Benjamins. x + 448 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language
90 272 3702 6


This volume takes a contemporary approach to the inherent limitations of using older texts as data for linguistic analysis, drawing on methods of text analysis, pragmatics and sociolinguistics to supplement traditional historical and philological methods. The focus of the book is on the importance of controlling for textual parameters - defined by the editors as dimensions of variation associated with texts and their production, including text type, degree of poeticality, orality, and dialect - in the analysis of older language data. Failure to do so can result in invalid generalizations; recognizing the influence of textual parameters, conversely, raises a myriad of issues for the practice and theory of historical linguistics. The 12 essays in this collection apply this approach in analyses of anaphora, non-finite verbal forms, particles, punctuation, word order and other phenomena in a wide range of languages.

Articles in this volume