Publication details [#19496]
Pontecorvo, Clotilde, ed. 1997. Writing Development: An interdisciplinary view. (Studies in Written Language and Literacy 6). John Benjamins. xxxii + 338 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language
90 272 1799 8
This volume presents a selection of papers presented at a series of three workshops organized by the Network “Written Language and Literacy” as launched by the European Science Foundation. The main topics making up Writing Development are: (1) Writing and literacy acquisition: Links between speech and writing, with contributions by David R. Olson, Claire Blanche-Benveniste, Emilia Ferreiro, Ruth Berman, Liliana Tolchinsky & Ana Teberosky; (2) Writing and reading in time and culture, with contributions by Collette Sirat, Françoise Desbordes, Harmut Günther, Peter Koch, & Jean Hébrard: (3) Written language competence in monolingual and bilingual contexts, with contributions by Michel Fayol & Serge Mouchon, Georges Lüdi, & Ludo Verhoeven; (4) Writing systems, brain structures and languages: A neurolinguistic view, with contributions by Giuseppe Cossu, Heinz Wimmer & Uta Frith, & Brian Butterworth. The volume heads off with an extensive introduction “Studying writing and writing acquisition today: A multidisciplinary view”.