Publication details [#25702]
Afendras, Evangelos A., Sharon Millar, Eoghan Mac Aogáin, Ayo Bamgbose, Yamuna Kachru, Anjum P. Saleemi, Bent Preisler, Peter Trudgill, Florian Coulmas and Probal Dasgupta. 1995. On ´new/non-native´ Englishes: A gamelan. Journal of Pragmatics 24 (3) : 295–321.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Journal WWW
This paper contains a set of comments by eight distinguished scholars on the topic of new/non-native Englishes, as forwarded by the target article carrying the same title (by Singh, D'Souza, Mohanan and Prabhu). These comments take up common themes and motives, yet lead to divergent conclusions. The final word is given to Singh, who takes up and responds to the themes suggested by the members of the GAMELAN.