
Publication details [#25808]

Giora, Rachel, Nachson Meiran and Paz Oref. 1996. Identification of written discourse topics by structure coherence and analogy strategies: General aspects and individual differences. Journal of Pragmatics 26 (4) : 455–474.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher


This study examines text comprehension as related to the identification of the discourse topic in both high and low socioeconomic status (SES) high-school students in Israël. High SES subjects perform good on coherent texts, when the discourse-topic is placed in the beginning. Low SES subjects perform more poorly on coherent, but better on incoherent texts. Group differences in the benefit from discourse-topic mention relate to SES rather than to academic ability and analogy interferes with understanding when there is no discourse-topic mention in the beginning of the text.