Publication details [#284]
Horecký, Ján, ed. 1982. Coling 82. Proceedings of the ninth international conference on computational linguistics, Prague, July 5-10, 1982. North-Holland. xv + 432 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language
Articles in this volume
Phillips, Brian and James A. Hendler. A message-passing control structure for text understanding. 307–312 ![DOI logo](
Rieger, Burghard B. Procedural meaning representation by connotative dependency structures: An empirical approach to word semantics for analogical inferencing. 319–324 ![DOI logo](
Roesner, Dietmar F. and Joachim H. Laubsch. Formalization of argumentation structures in newspaper texts. 325–330 ![DOI logo](
Sakamoto, Yoshiyuki and Tetsuya Okamoto. Lexical parallelism in text structure determination and content analysis. 339–344 ![DOI logo](