
Publication details [#31020]

Gass, Susan M., Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig, Sally Sieloff Magnan and Joelle Walz. 2002. Pedagogical Norms for Second and Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Studies in honour of Albert Valdman. (Language Learning & Language Teaching 5). John Benjamins. 305 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language


The concept of Pedagogical Norm is grounded in both sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic principles. Pedagogical norms guide the selection and sequencing of target language features for language teaching and learning. This book both situates and expands on this concept highlighting the interaction of research and pedagogy. The papers collectively illustrate how the concept of pedagogical norm applies to all components of language, including phonology, morphology, syntax, and discourse. The book begins with a discussion of definitions including papers that trace the history of the concept and define what is meant by norms. Also included are papers that apply the concept of pedagogical norms in specific contexts (e.g., intonation, morphology) and to specific languages. Finally, pedagogical norms are extended beyond the more traditional areas of grammatical competence to such disparate areas as listening, discourse, and circumlocution.