
Publication details [#38422]

Grant, Colin B., ed. 2003. Rethinking Communicative Interaction: New interdisciplinary horizons. (Pragmatics and Beyond: New Series 116). John Benjamins. viii, 330 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language


This volume breaks open traditional disciplinary confines and approaches the full complexity of communicative interaction from an impressive range of exciting state-of-the-art perspectives in social psychology, conversation analysis, hermeneutics, constructivist psychology, communication theory, computational neuroscience, sociology of communication, second language pragmatics, ergonomic interaction theory and computer-mediated interaction studies. In so doing, it sets out to establish a new research agenda in which communication science is understood as a human-social science par excellence. This collection of fifteen essays by seventeen scholars from Canada, the United States, Brazil, Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany and the UK will be of interest to scholars and students in all of the above fields