
Publication details [#38741]

Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer. 2004. Translation Studies Bibliography. John Benjamins.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language


TSB is an annotated bibliography of the vast field of Translation and Interpreting Studies. The TSB tries to be as comprehensive as possible, without any national, regional, cultural or thematic limitations. T/I Studies is considered as a broad field of transfer and mediation, containing aspects of intra- and interlingual translation, adaptation, interpreting, reformulation, localisation, multimedia translation, language mediation and terminology/documentation. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of T/I studies, the TSB considers publications from other disciplines (such as semiotic studies, communication studies, linguistics, sociology, psychology, etc.) but only to the extent in which they are relevant and of interest to T/I studies. The bibliography does not index translations or dictionaries, unless relevant to research in Translation & Interpreting (T/I). The TSB provides keywords, and for most publications included also descriptive, non-evaluative abstracts. This first edition, launched in September 2004, contains about 6000 entries. It concentrates on publications of the last decade (1994-2003). Future releases will be complemented not only with updates of recent material, but also with records of earlier publications.