
Publication details [#42872]

Tsung, Linda and Dai Qingxia. 2005. A vanishing language: the case of Xiandao. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 173 : 177–186.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
De Gruyter


This paper examines the social functions and linguistic characteristics of the endangered Xiandao language. As the Xiandao Chinese people live intermingled with and intermarry with the Jingpo and Han Chinese people, the Xiandao witness a strong linguistic and cultural infuence from the latter and a strong language shift. They currently speak three languages: Xiandao, Jingpo and Chinese, but the younger generation already speak better Jingpo or Chinese, and the use of Jingpo and Chinese gets more and more extended.