Publication details [#45246]
Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José and Ricardo Mairal Usón. 2007. High-level metaphor and metonymy in meaning construction. In Berg, Thomas, Günter Radden, Klaus-Michael Köpcke and Peter Siemund, eds. Aspects of Meaning Construction. John Benjamins. pp. 33–49.
Publication type
Article in book
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Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
This chapter addresses the problem of meaning construction in grammar from the point of view of high-level metaphor and metonymy. It is argued that meaning construction, in the sense given to this term by Panther (2005), is essentially an inferential activity whether at the level of so-called pragmatic meaning (e.g. implicature derivation, illocutionary meaning) or when dealing with core grammar phenomena, especially conversion processes and constructional alternation, which is explored within the domain of transitivity. This study finds high-level metaphor and metonymy at the basis of some of these grammatical processes. It also observes that the same principles and conceptual patterns (e.g. metaphor-metonymy interaction and metonymic chaining) that constrain metaphorical and metonymic activity at other levels of analysis are operational at the grammatical level too.