Publication details [#45338]
Graumann, Andrea. 2007. Color names and dynamic imagery. In Plümacher, Martina and Peter Holz, eds. Speaking of Colors and Odors. (Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research 8). John Benjamins. pp. 129–140.
Publication type
Article in book
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Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
The de- and encoding of simple, modified or complex color names draw back on different cognitive domains and involve different mental strategies. While basic color names directly evoke an idea about a shade and color terms modified by adjectives reinforce a specific semantic feature of a given color term, complex color terms composed of a noun and a basic color term excite complex images, in which different parts of the mental lexicon are involved. Starting out form an analysis of 250 color terms taken form a range of color pallets from different car manufactures it is shown how basic, modified and complex color terms are used in product design to stress distinct aspects of a product and reach different consumer groups.