
Publication details [#45444]

Cameron, Richard and Kim Potowski, eds. 2007. Spanish in Contact: Policy, Social and Linguistic Inquiries. (IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society 22). John Benjamins. xx+398 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language
Language as a subject


This volume, covering a range of topics such as Spanish as a heritage language in the United States, policy issues, pragmatics and language contact, sociolinguistic variation and contact, and Bozal (Creole) Spanish, will serve the interests of linguists, educators, and policy makers alike. It provides cutting edge research on varieties of Spanish spoken by children, teenagers, and adults in places as diverse as Chicago, New York, New Mexico, and Houston; Valencia and Galicia; the Andean highlands; and the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The emphasis is on spoken Spanish, although researchers also investigate code-switching in the lyrics of bachata songs and the presence of creole in Cuban and Brazilian literature. This collection will be of interest wherever Spanish is spoken.

Articles in this volume