
Publication details [#45666]

Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins


In historical-comparative linguistics some languages commonly hold a special, privileged position. This paper considers several cases of this type and the effects of such privileging on historical-comparative linguistics. The best documented case is that of Sanskrit, whose “deprivileging” in the late 19th century led to an improved understanding of PIE phonology. The major focus here is on Dravidian, whose southern literary languages are commonly considered closest to the proto-language. Steever (1988) has shown that certain syntactic constructions are preserved better in the northern, “tribal” languages. This paper adduced further examples of syntactic innovations in the southern languages (Hock 2001). The privileging of southern Dravidian thus turns out to be a similar mistake as the earlier privileging of Sanskrit in Indo-European linguistics. The paper concludes by noting that similar problems characterize much of synchronic linguistics, where standard languages and, sometimes, certain regional dialects take precedence over the majority of regional and social dialects.