Publication details [#46586]
Leitner, Gerhard. 2004. Australia's Many Voices. Ethnic Englishes, Indigenous and Migrant Languages. Policy and Education. (Contributions to the Sociology of Language 90-2). De Gruyter. XIV+341 pp. 
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
Language as a subject
This book and its companion, "Australia's Many Voices. Australian English - The National Language", generate and apply an integrative approach of the entire 'habitat' of Australia's languages, considering language contact and interactions from the beginning of colonization to the present day and their linguistic outcomes. The present volume then deals with non-mainstream English language varieties and indigenous, migrant, and contact languages. It also examines language and language-education policies up to 2003 and relates this theme to the role of the national language, Australian English. It is argued that a new stage of plurilingual tolerance is nearby.