
Publication details [#46656]

Barden, Birgit and Beate Grosskopf. 1998. Sprachliche Akkommodation und soziale Integration. Sächsische Übersiedler und Übersiedlerinnen im rhein-/moselfränkischen und alemannischen Sprachraum. [Linguistic Self-Adjustment and Social Integration. Migrants from Saxony in Rhine/Mosel-Franconian and Alemannic areas.] (Phonai / Texte und Untersuchungen zum gesprochenen Deutsch 63). De Gruyter. XV+404 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language


This volume investigates the mutually reinforcing results of linguistic self-adjustment and social integration into a new social environment, by a group of migrants moving from Saxony to South-West Germany, shortly before and after the 1989 Wende. Concomitantly, it examines how the various integration processes affect linguistic adaptation.