Publication details [#46718]
Knobloch, Clemens. 2005. »Volkhafte Sprachforschung«. Studien zum Umbau der Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland zwischen 1918 und 1945. [Ethnicizing Language Research. Studies on the restructuring of linguistic studies in Germany between 1918 and 1945.] (Reihe Germanistische Linguistik 257). De Gruyter. XIII+ 467 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
This study shows the involvement of the radical change in the Weimar Republic's public perception of language problems in the moral decline of German academic research on modern languages and comparative historical linguistics. An 'ethnicized' form of linguistic research emerged that was inspired by political motivations and almost exclusively geared to the concept of Volk. After 1933, the expectations placed by this new species of linguistic research in the new regime were thoroughly disappointed though.