
Publication details [#46720]

Sroka, Kazimierz A., ed. 1996. Kognitive Aspekte der Sprache. Akten des 30. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Gdansk 1995. [Cognitive Aspects of Language. Proceedings of the 30th Colloquium of Linguistics, Gdansk 1995.] (Linguistische Arbeiten 360). De Gruyter. XXIII+306 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language


The contributions to this volume on 'Language and Cognition' range from purely theoretical, via descriptive and historical, to application-oriented. Computer linguistics is also covered. The papers deal with a wide variety of languages: English, French, German, Gothic, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Icelandic, Polish, Kashubian, and others. They also address the problem of artificial languages.