
Publication details [#46749]

Betten, Anne and Miryam Du-nour, eds. 2000. Sprachbewahrung nach der Emigration II. Das Deutsch der Zwanziger Jahre in Israel. Teil II: Analysen und Dokumente. [Language Conservation after Emigration. Nineteen-Twenties' German in Modern-Day Israel. Part II: Analyses and documents.] (Phonai / Texte und Untersuchungen zum gesprochenen Deutsch 45). De Gruyter. XV+481pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language
Language as a subject


Together with the first volume on German language maintenance among German-speaking nazi-regime rescapee Jews in Modern-Day Israel, this second volume illustrates and describes a 'conserved', yet currently threatened variety of German, distinguished both by its striking orientation to written and literary standards, and by its occasional lexical Hebrew enrichments.