Publication details [#48151]
Sackman, Robin, ed. 2008. Explorations in Integrational Linguistics. Four essays on German, French, and Guaraní. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 285). John Benjamins. ix+239 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language
Integrational Linguistics (IL), developed by the German linguist Hans-Heinrich Lieb and others, is an approach to linguistics that integrates linguistic descriptions, construed as ‘declarative’ theories, with a detailed theory of language that covers all classical areas of linguistics, from phonology to sentence semantics, and takes linguistic variation, both synchronic and diachronic, fully into account. The aim of this book is to demonstrate how some controversial issues in language description are resolved in Integrational Linguistics. The four essays united here cover nearly all levels of language systems: phonetics and phonology (“The Case for Two-Level Phonology” by Hans-Heinrich Lieb, on German obstruent tensing and French nasal alternation), morphology (“Form and Function of Verbal Ablaut in Contemporary Standard German” by Bernd Wiese), morphology and syntax (“Inflectional Units and Their Effects” by Sebastian Drude, on the person system in Guaraní), and syntax and sentence semantics (“Topic Integration” by Andreas Nolda, on ‘split topicalization’ in German).