Publication details [#48405]
Flowerdew, Lynne. 2008. Determining discourse-based moves in professional reports. In Reppen, Randi and Annelie Ädel, eds. Corpora and Discourse. The challenges of different settings. (Studies in Corpus Linguistics 31). John Benjamins. pp. 117–131.
Publication type
Article in book
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Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
This paper reports on a study which combines corpus-based and genre based approaches to the analysis of a 225,000-word corpus of 60 environmental recommendation-based reports. It first describes the discourse-based coding system, which draws on the concept of genre move structure analysis, accounting for three different, but inter-related levels of text: (i) macrostructure; (ii) genre structure, and (iii) textual patterning, i.e. elements of the Problem-Solution pattern. It then describes the keyword analysis for the corpus as a whole and the key-key word analysis for each individual report. These keyword analyses provide internal linguistic evidence for classifying the reports as Problem-Solution based. An analysis of selected words (problem / problems and impact / impacts) reveals that their collocational behavior and involvement in certain causative phrases are related to specific discourse-based move structures.