Publication details [#48411]
Adolphs, Svenja. 2008. Corpus and Context. Investigating pragmatic functions in spoken discourse. (Studies in Corpus Linguistics 30). John Benjamins. xi+151 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
Language as a subject
Corpus and Context explores the relationship between corpus linguistics and pragmatics by discussing possible frameworks for analysing utterance function on the basis of spoken corpora. The book articulates the challenges and opportunities associated with a change of focus in corpus research, from lexical to functional units, from concordance lines to extended stretches of discourse, and from the purely textual to multi-modal analysis of spoken corpus data. Drawing on a number of spoken corpora including the five million word Cambridge and Nottingham Corpus of Discourse in English (CANCODE, funded by CUP (c)), a specific speech act function is being explored using different approaches and different levels of analysis. This involves a close analysis of contextual variables in relation to lexico-grammatical and discoursal patterns that emerge from the corpus data, as well as a wider discussion of the role of context in spoken corpus research.