Publication details [#48443]
Sand, Andrea. 2008. Angloversals? Concord and interrogatives in contact varieties of English. In Pahta, Päivi, Irma Taavitsainen, Terttu Nevalainen and Minna Korhonen, eds. The Dynamics of Linguistic Variation. Corpus evidence on English past and present. (Studies in Language Variation 2). John Benjamins. pp. 183–202. 
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
In previous studies on contact varieties of English, a number of shared features have been claimed. The present study presents a corpus-based investigation of two of these features, subject-verb concord and interrogative constructions. By comparing ICE-corpora from Great Britain, New Zealand, India, Kenya, Jamaica, Singapore as well as two smaller corpora from Northern Ireland, the possible roles of substrate influence and more general language contact phenomena are investigated in a systematic way. Corpus evidence suggests that there is indeed a qualitative difference between contact and non-contact varieties due to typological and SLA trends.