
Publication details [#50607]

Wang, Vincent X. 2009. Pragmatic shifts in two translations of Fusheng Liuji: A descriptive study of request behaviour. Target 21 (2) : 209–234.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
Journal DOI


This study focuses on translation shifts in speech act realisation patterns in two English translations of the Chinese work Fusheng Liuji. It employs analytical tools from cross-cultural pragmatics to describe speech act behaviour in the original and its translations. Lin uses more translation shifts — including significant shifts in strategy use, and moderate shifts in information sequencing — than Pratt & Chiang, who mainly retain the original pragmatic features. Both the translators and the original author make frequent use of request formulae. The two translations also show marked shifts from lexical to syntactic modification of requests. The article further examines the translators’ approaches to translation in terms of their concept of translation and the historical and social contexts of their translations.