
Publication details [#50612]

Montero Martinez, Silvia and Pamela Faber Benítez. 2009. Terminological competence in translation. Terminology 15 (1) : 88–104.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
Journal DOI


A Terminology course for Translation students must deal with the role of terminology in the translation process from both a theoretical and practical perspective. The objective of such a course is not to train translators as terminologists or documentation professionals, but rather as language mediators whose job is to facilitate interlinguistic communication. Translation students should thus learn how to carry out descriptive terminological work oriented towards producing a suitable target text. This means developing specific strategies as well as learning how to use available resources with a view to producing optimal translations. In this context, a truly effective Terminology course program must be adapted to fit new professional profiles. Such a program would target terminology management against the backdrop of specialized language translation. The specific characteristics of the translation process are what determine the type of terminological competence required.