
Publication details [#50659]

Bråten, Stein. 2009. The Intersubjective Mirror in Infant Learning and Evolution of Speech. (Advances in Consciousness Research 76). John Benjamins. xxii+351 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language


This book illustrates how recent findings about primary intersubjectivity, participant perception and mirror neurons afford a new understanding of children’s nature, dialogue and language. Based on recent infancy research and the mirror neurons discovery, studies of early speech perception, comparative primate studies and computer simulations of language evolution, this book offers replies to questions as: When and how may spoken language have emerged? How is it that infants so soon after birth become so efficient in their speech perception? What enables 11-month-olds to afford and reciprocate care? What are the steps from infant imitation and simulation of body movements to simulation of mind in conversation partners?