Publication details [#50716]
Cortesi, Gabriella. 2009. The CISV narrative. In Baraldi, Claudio, ed. Dialogue in Intercultural Communities. From an educational point of view. (Dialogue Studies 4). John Benjamins. pp. 47–74.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
This paper explores children/adolescents’ and adults’ narratives of their experience of CISV (Children’s International Summer Villages) villages and camps. Specifically, the chapter deals with: (1) definitions of cultural and personal differences and their possible forms of management; (2) descriptions of the connections between forms of communication, conflicts, and possible conflict management; (3) descriptions of the forms of differences highlighted in villages and camps, regarding age, gender, nationality, competence in speaking English as a lingua franca;
(4) observations of the kinds of actions emerged during interactions; (5) adults’ perspectives on children’s and adolescents’ autonomy and dependence, and descriptions of their corresponding educational intentions; (6) descriptions of the meanings of the whole experience, comparing initial intentions/expectations and final assessments.