Publication details [#51239]
Hakulinen, Auli. 2009. Conversation types. In Östman, Jan-Ola, Jef Verschueren and Sigurd D’hondt, eds. The Pragmatics of Interaction. (Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 4). John Benjamins. pp. 55–65.
Publication type
Article in book
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Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
Using mostly conversation analytic references, this essay groups conversations along several dimensions (channel; dyadic or multi-party conversation; and everyday vs. institutional talk), in order to attempt to capture the multi-faceted character of talk-in-interaction. Accordingly, context is taken to be a complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon. The essay further addresses types of institutional talk; symmetry and asymmetry in conversations; and conversation types and communicative genres.