Publication details [#51260]
Fretheim, Thorstein and Jeanette K. Gundel. 2009. Information structure. In Östman, Jan-Ola, Jef Verschueren and Frank Brisard, eds. Grammar, Meaning and Pragmatics. (Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 5). John Benjamins. pp. 146–160.
Publication type
Article in book
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Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
This essay deals with information structure, its linguistic expression and the grammar-pragmatics interface. It thus explores logically independent referential and relational givenness/newness in information structure. The latter’s topic-focus partition can only apply to linguistic expressions, specifically sentences or utterances and their interpretations. As to the grammar-pragmatics interface, it is argued that whilst the referentiality condition on topics is a semantic, grammar-based, restriction, the stronger familiarity condition on topics is pragmatic and relevance-based. The important question for future research then is not whether information structure is basically grammatical or pragmatic, but which information structural concepts and properties are purely linguistic, i.e. grammar-driven, and which are derivable from more general pragmatic principles that govern language production and understanding.