
Publication details [#53908]

De Surmont, Jean Nicolas. 2010. Aux frontières de la pragmatique et de la linguistique. Les variables de l'information culturelle dans la lexicographie bilingue. Babel 56 (1) : 19–34.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
Journal DOI


The introduction of cultural information (among others culturems) into the bilingual dictionaries suggests the old debate on the definition of culture, extremely productive word in definitions as much in the field of anthropology than that of sociology. At the borders of these two disciplines are the realia, these cultural realities sometimes named statalisms according to the definition of Jacques Pohl (1984). But the concept of realia is vaster than the referential extent than that of statalism to its creation (that of the administrative and political characteristics). On the basis of the concept of realia, this paper sets out to determine the framework and the implications of them on a lexicographical level. The variation of French will be used as background with the theoretical lighting posed by this text. After a short glance on the theoretical and practical problems posed by the introduction of cultural information, some proposals for solutions are formulated.