
Publication details [#5484]

Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Catherine. 1980. L'énonciation: De la subjectivité dans le langage. A. Colin. 290 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language


K. begins with a re-examination of the concept 'énonciation' as defined by (among others) Benveniste, Ducrot and Anscombre (roughly speaking, the speech act). Her aim is to describe - in a sytematic way, notably with the help of a wide corpus of utterances - the concrete traces of the utterer's subjectivity and of the distance the utterer leaves between himself and his utterance. Her study bears essentially on deixis, shifters, and 'affective' or 'evaluative' words. She concludes with reflections on speech acts, illocutionary force and more generally pragmatics.