Publication details [#55984]
LeCompte Zambrana, Pier Angeli, Lourdes González Cotto and Cándida González-López. 2012. Marginalized peoples and Creole Genesis. Sociétés de cohabitation and the Founder Principle. In Faraclas, Nicholas, ed. Agency in the Emergence of Creole Languages. The role of women, renegades, and people of African and indigenous descent in the emergence of the colonial era creoles. (Creole language library 45). John Benjamins. pp. 215–224.
Publication type
Article in book
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John Benjamins
The tendencies toward decontextualization, mono-causal scenarios, and the erasure of the agency of marginalized peoples that have been identified and criticized in the preceding papers are more often than not due more to the outmoded paradigm of science within which most linguists and other social scientists still do their work, rather than being due to any lack of intelligence, preparation, honesty, or social conscience on the part of creolists. This paper makes a preliminary case for moving beyond the ‘Cartesian Linguistics’ model which still dominates the field toward new ways of looking at languages and accounting for the complex behaviors of their speakers.