Publication details [#56025]
Sivenkova, Maria. 2012. Metacommunication and intertextuality in British and Russian parliamentary answers. In Lorda, Clara and Patrick Zabalbeascoa, eds. Spaces of Polyphony. (Dialogue Studies 15). John Benjamins. pp. 129–142. ![DOI logo](
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
This paper proposes a typology of metacommunicative criticisms occurring in answers to oral questions in the British and Russian parliaments. A range of communicative behaviours are criticised by the respondents while answering parliamentary questions: posing the same question more than once, misinterpreting the opponent’s comments, making inexplicable statements, breaching parliamentary rules of question asking, among others. It is argued that metacommunicative criticisms ensure intertextual connections in various oral and written parliamentary sub-genres, thus enhancing continuity and accountability in parliamentary discourse.