
Publication details [#56031]

Parpala, Emilia Afana. 2012. Dialogization, ontology, metadiscourse. In Lorda, Clara and Patrick Zabalbeascoa, eds. Spaces of Polyphony. (Dialogue Studies 15). John Benjamins. pp. 237–250.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins


The aim of this paper is to challenge Bakhtin’s claim that poetry, as opposed to prose, is a monophonic discourse. It leans on the Romanian postmodern poets of the eighties, who intuitively noticed the universality of the relations between theory (semiotics, pragmatics) and literary practice. In the light of this isomorphism (Parpală 1994) it comes out that enunciation was preferred to utterance, the intertext to the text, and a description of the text’s production to its symbolic meaning. In order to illustrate this ontological “turn”, the paper focuses on the dialogization of the poetic enunciation by discussing ethos and reported discourse. It is interesting to see the interplay between enunciative heterogeneity, the text’s boundaries and the reader’s position.