
Publication details [#56260]

Sugawara, Kazuyoshi. 2012. Interactive significance of simultaneous discourse or overlap in everyday conversations among |Gui former foragers. Journal of Pragmatics 44 (5) : 577–618.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher


This study uses the turn-taking system (TTS) to discuss the most striking feature of everyday conversations among the southern African |Gui former foragers, namely the frequent lenghty (antagonistic, cooperative, or parallel) overlaps. To account for a particular interactional mode that sometimes features |Gui conversation, an additional distinction must be made between the opposing orientations of “mutual entrainment” of versus "egocentrism" in the speaking activities. It is concluded that |Gui simultaneous discourse is doused with a specific interaction form, deeply rooted in the culture's egalitarian nature.