
Publication details [#56910]

Xiao, Richard and Yan Cao. 2013. Native and non-native English abstracts in contrast: A multidimensional move analysis. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 27 : 111–134.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
Journal DOI


This article takes a composite approach that combines move analysis and multidimensional analysis to a contrastive study of textual variations in discourse moves between native and non-native English abstracts, focusing on the biology discipline. Building on a new multidimensional analysis model of English abstracts established in Cao & Xiao (2013), the present study demonstrates that in comparison with their Chinese counterparts, native English writers display a more active involvement and a more interactive style; and in all obligatory moves, they are also more focused and confident in using intensifying devices. Native and non-native abstracts differ significantly at both dimension level and move level. Such differences are discussed with reference to possible reasons and suggestions are made for English abstract writing in China.